Our hosts José Manuel and Maria in Salinas de Trillo which has a population of under 20, were wonderful. They try to feed their guests on home produce and in that isolated and rugged environment it is just amazing what they achieve. We were treated like royalty, starting with a warm handshake and huge smile the moment we arrived hot and tired. A juice and homemade cookies came next. Maria had to go out so José served our dinner - seated alone at a table for 20 in a room decorated with perfectly restored farming implements and other paraphernalia. The food was delicious and the first course alone would have sustained us for days. The best thing was that it was largely vegetables which we miss and crave. Rob was delighted to sample José's liqueur made from sloes, while I enjoyed one made from quince.
Our breakfast was home-made sausage, pate, goat's cheese (José came in with a container of milk he had just coaxed from his goats), cheese, jamon, bread and of course café. Maria then made 2 huge tortilla bocadillos for us to take with us for lunch.
And to complete the picture of this idyllic place, Rob made a new friend - a lovely little puppie called Lassie. Cute.
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