Wednesday, 15 June 2016

Countdown to the Med! Beautiful Besalu

Our guidebook said that today we left the mountains and started our descent to the coastal plains. So how come straight after breakfast we were climbing the equivalent of Mt Lowry??

An hour or so later we did begin to descend and we actually felt sad to be leaving the high country behind, with its tiny isolated villages, peaceful landscapes and interesting trails.

The track was nice all morning and we crossed a stunning old Roman bridge.

But the afternoon was a shocker. Poor waymarks - no waymarks for large sections - and overgrown tracks. Bring back the mountains!

We finally found our way to Besalu, a town with very much intact medieval origins, rather lovely but full of tourists. We are sitting outside at one of many restaurants surrounding the main square opposite the Monastery of San Pedro. Sipping an ice cold melocoton to which we have become quite addicted. And wondering what on earth we will do with ourselves when we finish the GR1 in 2 days.


  1. To give some sense of scale, that's Debby on the centre of the bridge.

  2. To give some sense of scale, that's Debby on the centre of the bridge.
