Thursday, 16 June 2016

The Mediterranean!!!

We made it!! 1040 kms, 47 walking days, 22.5 kms a day average, total ascent equivalent to climbing Mt Lowry 105 times or 4.4 ascents of Mt Everest from sea level. "Knocked the bastard off". Not too bad for a couple of old codgers.

The Greek ruins at Sant Marti d'Empuries was a lovely finish to the walk. Most impressive ruins on a grand scale.

Truth: everything hurts. Sense of relief. Glad to stop. Really happy to just sit and be tourists for a week. But, we loved it, a fantastic walk and nothing else quite like it. 

Bless our socks that lasted over 1000kms. Bless John Hayes for writing a guidebook in English. Bless Back Country Navigator for the maps. Bless all our amazing trail angels. But most of all bless my constant companion. Not a cross word between us for 1040 kms. Might let it all rip now.....

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